Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lynne's Moly - Jan's Entries

I've finally caught up! Lynne sorry to keep your book for so long! I also had a go at scanning Pamela's 'Dexta' again. It IS very hard to scan but it IS such a wonderful pink that I just had to have a go at it.
I'll be posting it off to Szaza on Monday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lisa's moly

Here are my totem animals :-)
Who shall I post it to next? backwards to creative girl or cathie?

Monday, August 24, 2009


Josh, thanks for the fantastic envelope art .....Lisas book has arrived safely :-)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The who what where and when of books

I know a lot of you didn't like my chart but here I go again with it because it helps me to understand and some others in the group did like it also.

To see who has your book:
Look along the top (blue & white) list of names and find yours. Slide down that column. X means they have had it and finished it. X means they have it, but it's not yet finished.
To see what books you have done:
Look down the side (yellow & white) list of names and find yours. Slide across that column. X means you have had it and finished it. X means you have it, but it's not yet finished.

To update this chart:
Let me know what books you have (X) that I have missed.
Let me know if I've missed adding ones you've done (X).

I know I've missed some and probably got some wrong too. It's a work in progress ;]

Chart edited 6.35am 4.09.09 from Cathy's post.
Chart edited 9.59pm 3.09.09 from Pam's comment.
Chart edited 6.35am 24.08.09 from Josh's comment.
Chart edited 3.55pm 20.08.09 from Lisa's comment.
Chart edited 8.07am 20.8.09

Thursday, August 13, 2009


it has been such a long time since I have had a book, or seen any action in my own book, I have asked often what is happening and who has what.....please please can we have a full update on where the books are, this silence is very disheartening